コウノ ヒロミ   Hiromi KONO
  河野 弘美
   所属   京都外国語短期大学  キャリア英語科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2017/03/23
発表テーマ Florence Nightingale as a National Heroine to Be Consumed
会議名 消費文化史研究会 2017年国際大会
主催者 消費者文化研究会
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 学習院大学
発表者・共同発表者 Hiromi Kono, Sunil Manghani
概要 In the 19th century Britain, the print culture showed the major developments in the society. The mass circulation created by an abolition of taxes, cheaper paper, and advanced print technologies drove more people to buy and read print materials. The more titles of magazine appeared during the Victorian era, the more business rivalries in economy and market the society had. During this period, the Victorian journalists turned their eyes on the mass citizens, the working class readers, and linked them together with print in contents. “The Illustrated London News” and “The Punch” are among those new Victorian periodicals concerned with the London poor and visual effects: illustrations, and photos. Florence Nightingale is the famous Victorian figure who became the national celebrity through the periodicals in the nineteenth century. Timely reports from the Crimean War kept coming in and her service at the battlefields was widely known to the people in her native land. The “Lady with the Lamp” appeared in “the Illustrated London News” in 1855 as the first image of Nightingale. Since then, her story became things people most talked about. Her manners to tread wounded soldiers equally grabbed the working class people’s minds. Nightingale related songs, theater plays, short stories, poems, articles, and even potteries started being produced and consumed by the national public. In this presentation, how the image of Florence Nightingale was received by the British public, and how the Victorian print industry took a leading role to create Florence Nightingale as the national heroin for a commercial purpose. By the end, I hope to show how the national celebrity was born in the Victorian period in relation to the power of print culture over the public.