モイゼス カルヴァーリョ   Moises Kirk de Carvalho Filho
   所属   京都外国語大学  外国語学部 ブラジルポルトガル語学科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2018/10/26
発表テーマ Happiness and Life Satisfaction
主催者 立命館大学
開催地名 立命館大学、高槻
会議区分 地方会議
講演区分 講師
単独共同区分 単独
招待講演 招待講演
発表者・共同発表者 Moises Kirk de Carvalho Filho
概要 In this lecture, I talked about the scientific approach to the study of “Happiness”. By presenting to university students an introductory lecture on Positive Psychology and its main topic of study, I helped them get acquainted with different conceptualizations of the term “happiness”, with the problems researches face when assessing the topic as well as the biases the participants in happiness studies experience when trying to assess their own levels of happiness and life satisfaction. I also presented several studies assessing individual and cultural differences on happiness offering a hands-on experience to the students by actually having them use different measures of happiness in classroom and discussed the results of those studies.
Moises Kirk de Carvalho Filho