(Last updated : 2024-05-06 03:09:03)
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/12/02 The Actual State of Non-Use of "ha" in Subjects by Learners of Japanese and Their Attitudes toward Its Use > > -Why do Learners of Japanese Omit Subjects Excessively?
2. 2023/11/18 日本語学習者にみられる対比がある主題の「は」の不使用の問題―中国語を母語とする上級レベルの日本語学習者の調査データをもとに (第13回 国際日本語教育・日本研究シンポジウム 「つながる多様性、広がる可能性」)
3. 2023/02/17 サラマンカ大学の日本語授業担当教員からみた日本語母語話者の学生ティーチングアシスタントの効果-スペインの大学の日本語授業の担当教員のインタビュー調査のデータから- (「交換ネイティブTAの育成と外国語学習のモチベーション向上」成果報告会)
4. 2022/08/25 「欧州の日本語学習者と日本語母語話者が参加する交換ティーチングアシスタント制度とその効果-スペインの大学におけるティーチングアシスタント制度の活用-」 (第25回ヨーロッパ日本語教師会ヨーロッパ日本語教育シンポジウム)
■ Books and academic papers
1. Book The Complete handbook on Japanese Grammar in Hiragana   (Collaboration) 2021/03 Link
2. Book The Perfect GuideBook on Japanese Grammar in Easy Japanese: Connecting the Classroom and Grammar   (Collaboration) 2020/01 Link
3. Book minna no nihongo intermediate2   (Collaboration) 2012/04 Link
4. Book Characteristics and acquisition of focus particles in modern Japanese   (Single) 2012/01 Link
5. Book minna no nihongo intermediate1   (Collaboration) 2008/11 Link
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■ Academic background
1. 2008/03/24
Degree Acquisition
Osaka Prefectural University, PhD
2. 1993/04~1997/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Osaka University, Accomplished credits for doctoral program,
3. 1993/03/25
Degree Acquisition
Osaka University, Master of Arts
4. 1993/02~1994/01 The University of Queensland, Studying abroad,
5. Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Literature, Osaka University, Graduated, Bachelor of Arts
■ Business career
1. 2022/08~ Profesora Visitante
2. 2012/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of Japanese Studies Professor
3. 2012/04~ ernational Research Institute for Studies in Language and Peace
4. 2007/04~2012/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of Japanese Studies Associate Professor
5. 2006/04~2007/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of Japanese Studies
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■ Belonging society
1. 2018/01~ Association of Japanese Teachers in Europe Link
2. 2008/06~ The Pragmatics Society of Japan
3. 2008/05~ Kansai Linguistic Society
4. 2004/09~ The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
5. 2003/05~2017/03 The Linguistic Society of Japan
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■ Subject
1. Introduction to Japanese Language Teaching Practice 2
2. Introduction to Japanese Language Teaching Practice 3
3. Seminar: Japanese Teaching as a Second Language Ⅰ(AG251)
4. Seminar: Japanese Teaching as a Second Language Ⅱ(AG252)
5. Seminar: Japanese Teaching as a Second Language Ⅲ(AG351)
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■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2023/02/04 .「欧州の日本語学習者にみられる中級レベル以降の文法の問題とその解決方法-「は」「が」を中心に―」 (国際交流基金マドリード日本文化センター2ª Planta, Palacio de Cañete, Calle Mayor, 69, 28013)
2. 2023/02/04 中級レベル以降の日本語授業ですぐに使える効果的な「は」「が」の教材と指導法 (マドリード国際交流基金)
3. 2022/10/23 「知っておきたい「は」「が」の文法ルールとは」
4. 2022/03/14 Yomikata ga tsuketa kanji o misemasu: Intransitive verbs in Grammar for Japanese leaners and Grammar of Japanese Grammar Handbook
5. 2020/01/30 Kyoto University ofForeign Studies and Teaching Japanese as a foreign language Link
■ Committee and society
1. 2021/06/01~ European Association for Japanese Studies
2. 2006/11/10~2006/11/10 European Association for Japanese Studies