(Last updated : 2025-02-05 03:09:02)
  Hiromi KONO
   Department   Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages  , Department of English Studies for Careers
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2024/12/07 Exploring A Better Way of Community Interpreting Program
2. 2024/02/23 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies community interpreting efforts and future challenges (2023 29th FD Forum)
3. 2023/09/02 The Way to Enhance Reading Ability of Politics and Philosophies for Social Reform in English Literature, "The Happy Prince" (1888)
4. 2022/02/19 Possible Teaching/Learning Method for Critical Thinking as A Generic Skill for Career (2021 27th FD Forum Kyoto)
5. 2021/03/13 Learning Victorian Journalism and Victorian Society through Dramas and Films based on the Victorian Nation
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Article Exploring A Better Way of Community Intrpreting Program  pp.313 (Collaboration) 2024/12
2. Article Academic Supports for Autonomous Learning by Using Learning Journals for Planning and Reflective Practice in Night Classes of Junior College   (Collaboration) 2021/03
3. Article Social Problem Film and Relation to Politics and Education, A Case Study I, Daniel Blake ATEM Journal pp.113-125 (Single) 2019/03
4. Article Examination on Effectiveness of a Conversation Program with Foreign Students in Autonomous Learning Support  pp.1-8 (Collaboration) 2018/12
5. Article Lady Wilde as Salon Host and Her Philosophy of Conversationalist 『エール』 (37),pp.61-80 (Single) 2018/03
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■ Academic background
1. 2000/02~2006/07 〔Doctorial Course〕 19世紀アングロ・アイリッシュ文学, Graduate School, Division of Letters, The Univerisity of Nottingham, Completed, Ph.D.
2. 1998/09~1999/12 〔Master Course〕 Victorian Studies, Graduate School, Division of Letters, The University of Nottingham, Completed, M.A.
■ Belonging society
1. 2016/04~ The Victorian Studies Society of Japan
■ Subject
1. Academic English Skills Ⅲ
2. Academic English Skills Ⅳ
3. Introduction to British & American Literature and the Arts Ⅰ (AA121)
4. Introduction to British & American Literature and the Arts Ⅱ (AA122)
5. Seminar: Comparative Cultural Studies Ⅰ(AA232)
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■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2013/04~2016/03  The Relation Between The Nineteenth Century British Female Social Reformers and The Victctorian Periodicals  (Key Word : )