(Last updated : 2024-12-26 03:09:01)
  Makoto KURATA
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2016/09/24 Some Linguistic Tips Through Movies (The SAI (STEM-ATEM-ICEM) International Conference)
2. 2013/01/12 Punching Holes in the Hole Construction Throught Movie Data -Findings From Lexical Semantics and Their Pedagogical Applications- (The Second Conference of ATEM Hokkaido Chapter)
3. 2014/01/11 Regarding the Discourse Particle "speaking of A" (ATEM The 3rd Hokkaido Chapter Conference)
4. 2015/08/29 Cross-cultural Communicative Competence in a Globalized World: Fostering English Language Education through Movies (大学英語教育学会)
5. 2018/08/30 Analyzing Globalized Tests From Various Points of View (The 57th JACET International Convention)
■ Books and academic papers
1. Book 頻出表現と頻出単語でつかむTOEIC L&R Test 400点   (Collaboration) 2024/01
2. Book Linguistic Inquiries through Movies   (Collaboration) 2022/11
3. Book An Amazing Approach To The TOEIC L&R Test   (Collaboration) 2019/01
4. Book English Linguistics through Movies   (Collaboration) 2011/01/01
5. Article Enquiries Into English Grammar Via Movies ATEM Journal Teaching English Through Multimedia  (Collaboration) 2022/03
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■ Academic background
1. ~1982/05 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Language and Culture, Indiana University Graduate School, Completed, Master of Arts
■ Business career
1. 2004/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 1995/04~ The Association for Teaching English through Multimedia
2. 2010/08~2013/08 ∟ Director, International Affairs
3. 2013/08~2018/08 ∟ President
■ Subject
1. TOEIC Preparation A
2. Pronunciation Clinic
3. Pronunciation Clinic
4. Screen English Ⅰ
5. Screen English Ⅱ
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■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2019/08/10 How to teach pronunciation in English classes at elementary and junior high schools (Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture)