(Last updated : 2024-12-22 03:09:05)
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2019/12/08 ベトナム・ハノイ
2. 2017/06/24 What (What do our students expect the Gaidai Japanese non^Japanese teacherts to do in their classes?)
3. 2016/10/10 グローバル時代に求められる日本語教員の資質・能力と日本語教員の養成 (Internaional Conference on Japanese Language Education)
4. 2016/10/10 日本で学ぶ日本語学習者の外来語の習得 (Internaional Conference on Japanese Language Education)
5. 2015/12/26 グローバル化時代に求められる日本語教員の養成 (2016年曁南大学日本語教育・日本学研究国際シンポジウム)
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Book A handbook of Classroom Activities for Japanese Language Teachers  2022,pp.1-200 (Single) 2022/06
2. Book Go abroad to teach Japanese   (Collaboration) 2021/10
3. Article What Native and Not-native Speaker Teachers are Expected to Posess as for the Pedagogical Qualities and Abilities
--Statistical Data Gleaned From our French Major Students and German Major Students-
--------------------------------------- Academic Bulletin pp.49-60 (Collaboration) 2018/07
4. Article 日本語学習者の文章読解を促す読解授業の試みー図解作成活動を通してー 日本語言文化研究 (4),pp.128-134 (Collaboration) 2016/03
5. Article Trining the Japanese Teacher andUpbringing of Global Talent Japanese Language Education Methods pp.54-55 (Collaboration) 2014/09/06
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■ Academic background
1. 1973/04~1977/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Graduated,
■ Belonging society
1. 2000/04~ The Society of Japanese Grammar
2. 1996/04~ Japan Society for Educational Technology
3. 1988/04~ The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
■ Subject
1. Introduction to Teaching Japanese as a Second Language B
2. Brush Up Japanese C
3. Brush Up Japanese F
4. Practice Teaching: Japanese as a Second Language Ⅰ
5. Student Teaching on Japanese as a Second Language Ⅱ
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■ Committee and society
1. 2004/04/01~2004/04/01 Japnese Association of Second Language Acquisition