(Last updated : 2025-03-11 03:09:00)
  Sachiko KAWAKAMI
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Global Tourism, Faculty of Global Engagement
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2017/11/24 Korean Diaspora Seen from the Perspective of Liminality (The International Conference <Immigration, Migration, Transnational Networks and Activities in the Asia Pacific Region>)
2. 2017/09/25 Developing "Glocal Heritage Education" for a Sustainable Future: Universities-High School-Municipality Collaboration for the Regional Revitalization of American Village in Wakayama (University-Community Engagement Conference 2017)
3. 2016/06/25 Everyday Living in Dual Reality: The Articulated Identity and Silent Affinity of Korean Immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area (二重の現実のなかで営まれる日常生活:サンフランシスコ湾岸地域の韓国系移民に見る表現されるアイデンティティと語られないつながり) (AAS-in-Asia 2016: Asia in Motion: Horizons of Hope)
4. 2015/09/22 San Francisco Japantown for Korean Americans (コリアンアメリカンのサンフランシスコ日本街) (The 4th East Asian Anthropologists Academic Seminar "Globalization, Social Adaptation, Cultural Integration: Anthropological Study of East Asian Migration”)
5. 2015/06/18 Affinity and Liminality: Koreans in Japantown (アフィニティと境界性:ジャパンタウンのコリアン) (The International Conference "The Anthropology of Northeast Asia: Flows and Groundings")
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Article Migration and Tourism: Roots Tourism in America-mura, Wakayama Migration and Society in East Asian Sea Areas pp.245-268 (Single) 2023/05
2. Article Utilizing Migration Studies: A Case of the Regional Revitalization and Roots Tourism of Mio, Wakayama, Japan  pp.81-90 (Collaboration) 2020/06
3. Article Migrant Culture as Trans-local Resources: From Cases of Japantown in America and America-mura in Japan   (Single) 2019/01
4. Book Trans-Pacific Japanese American Studies: Conversations on Race and Racializations (環太平洋日系アメリカ人研究:人種と人種化に関する対話)   (Collaboration) 2016/09
5. Book San Francisco's Japantown for Korean Americans: Affinity and Liminality   (Single) 2014/03
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■ Academic background
1. 2021/10~2023/10 〔Master Course〕, Gifu Women's University
2. 2002/04~2008/03 ,
3. 1997/09~2001/12 , Master of Arts in Geography
4. 1993/04~1997/03 ,
■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2022/02/08~2022/02/18 オンライン国際共同授業 with North Island College
■ Belonging society
1. 2003/03~ The Japanese Association for Migration Studies
2. 2002/06~ The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
3. 2007/04~ The Japan Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations
4. 2004/09~ Japan Oral History Association
5. 2007/02~ Intercultural Education Society of Japan
■ Subject
1. Global Engagement
2. Introductory Seminar A
3. Cultural Anthropology
4. Anthropology and Cultures(BC10B)
5. Glocal Area Studies A
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■ Activity in society
1. 2019/08~2020/05 TOMODACHI Metlife Women's Leadership Program
2. 2018/09 日系カナダ人向け新聞記事への取材協力:Journey sparked by a photograph
3. 2016/07 和歌山出身アメリカ・メキシコ移住者子弟の和歌山来県にともなう学生交流会でのプレゼン発表指導
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2020/11~  共同研究「三尾出身者をめぐるグローカルコミュニティ構築のための日系カナダ太平洋史の再探求」  (Key Word : )
2. 2022/07~  Past Wrongs, Future Choices  (Key Word : )
■ Exhibition, concert, and athletic meet
1. 2023/11/01~ Broken Promises Link
■ Home Page
   河上ゼミ 和歌山県美浜町アメリカ村紹介サイト