Eric Charles HAWKINSON
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  ,
   Position   Professor
Research Period 2014/04~
Research Topic eWOM Generation Systems for International Tourism Promotion with Augmented Reality
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor KAKENHI(Multi-year Fund)
Research Program Type Young Researcher Award B
KAKENHI Grant No. 14k16599
Keyword 拡張現実、教育技術、オーグメンテッド・リアリティ、教育デザイン
KAKENHI CategoryEnvironmental materials and recycle technology
Research System Ordinary Research
Responsibility Representative Researcher
Details Internet technologies have drastically changed the landscape of tourism promotion. This project aims to research, develop and analyze new technologies that use augmented reality technologies and its connection to eWOM(electronic word of mouth). To create a system to network social media outlets that revolve around augmented reality and analyze its connection to creating content for travel. The focus will be on how the use of augmented reality and GPS web and smartphone applications and how they affect travelers perceptions. The main test will be to try to find a collation between augmented reality usage like geocaching, GPS gaming and personalized media and how much user generated content is produced.