Eric Charles HAWKINSON
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  ,
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2017/05
Type Academic Paper
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Invitation Invited paper
Title Using MAVR to Bring New Dimensions to the Classroom
Contribution Type Multiple author(s)
Journal TypeJapan
Publisher JALT
Volume, Issue, Page 41
Author and coauthor Hawkinson, E., Mehran, P., & Alizadeh, M.
Details Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Realities (MAVR) is not a new concept or area of study, but it is an area that is beginning to be implemented at a larger scale in many other fields. Environments that employ these tools and concepts are being applied to medicine, engineering, and education. There are many working in this area connected to language education in Japan; the authors and many others are working to form a new JALT Special Interest Group, the MAVR SIG. The following is a primer to the current state of the research into MAVR and a discussion of where the field may be headed.