Michiko KATO
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  ,
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2019/03
Type Academic Paper
Title On Citizenship Education in the UK and a Sustainable Society: Initiative and Dilemmas
Contribution Type Single author
Journal Global Issues: A Journal of the Department of Global Affairs
Journal TypeJapan
Publisher 京都外国語大学 国際教養学科
Volume, Issue, Page (4),pp.33-55
Author and coauthor 香戸美智子(単)
Details Considering Japan's recently changing societal situation regarding globalization, this article reviews the case of British citizenship education, which was one of the earliest introductions of this subject as a compulsory course in school curricula among advanced countries. This examines the initiative and some difficulties or dilemmas faced subsequently in the British context. (2019年4月の改正入管法施行と今後の日本における多文化社会への可能性を念頭に、国連の持続可能な発展のための目標4.7に関わる市民性教育について、20世紀末から21世紀初めに先進国でより早く学校教育必修化を導入した英国の例を取り上げ、その先進性と、後の様々なグローバル化や社会文化的起因による困難およびジレンマを論じた。)