Felicity Jane Greenland
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Professor
Language Japanese
Publication Date 2009/03
Type Academic Paper
Title Traditional Songs in the Contemporary EFL Classroom: An Exploration of Role and Repertoire
Contribution Type Single author
Journal 『英文学論集』第16巻(佛教大学英文学会)
Journal TypeJapan
Publisher Bukkyo University 佛教大学英文学会
Volume, Issue, Page 16,pp.56-74
Total page number 18
Details An assessment of the value of traditional songs and singing in ELT, based on Japanese university classrooms ¬ participant-observation, workshop experience, and student feedback. Identifies reaction patterns, and finds benefits including cultural content, overcoming affective barriers, group bonding, increased confidence, and appreciation of comparative cultural and universal experiences. Proposes a Japan ELT repertoire including rounds, cumulative/counting songs, bi-cultural songs such as the Meiji shoka, and other traditional English songs whose melodies are well-known in Japan. Looks at potential issues, such as negative perception, and suggests use of contemporary cover-versions and adaptation of lyrics as possible solutions.
PermalinkURL https://archives.bukkyo-u.ac.jp/rp-contents/ER/0016/ER00160L056.pdf