Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of French Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Position Professor |
Language | French |
Publication Date | 2023/05 |
Type | Textbook(s)/Reference book(s) |
Title | Site web : Dictées en français, Niveau A2 |
Contribution Type | Multiple author(s) |
Journal Type | Japan |
Publisher | L'Atelier de Kawai |
Author and coauthor | JACQUET Maurice, BATTAGLIA Nadine, GONTHIER Louise, NAKAGAWA Takayuki, SHIOTANI Mayumi |
Details | This dictation website is intended for French learners wishing to work independently but it can also
be used in a class. It is supplemented by a text book. It is an interactive set of learning to write in French, through dictation work, at levels A2 and preparatory to Futsuken (仏検). Learning is based on two complementary elements: a common website for the 3 levels and independent notebooks A2, B and C. |