Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies , Position Professor |
Language | Japanese |
Publication Date | 2019/07 |
Type | Academic Paper |
Peer Review | Peer reviewed |
Title | Changing Concepts of Noted Place and Travel |
Contribution Type | Single author |
Journal Type | Japan |
Volume, Issue, Page | pp.1-20 |
Total page number | 110 |
Details | The Japanese kanji “名所” “points of interest” is pronounced two different ways. One is
“nadokoro” and the other is “meisho”. The difference between the two is not only concerned with its pronouncing but also its meaning. The studies of “名所” in Japan has been done mainly in the fields of literature of traveling and the history of fine arts separately. In this essay the writer tried to see the concept of the noted sites not separately but as a whole focused on the changing idea of travelling during the Civil War age (1467-1568) through Kamakura (1185-1336) down to the end of Edo (1603-1868). What was clear is that the idea of “meisho” has been established during the Civil War age (1467-1568) and rather abstract and based on the aspiration for civilized society while “nadokoro” shows disrespect for rural areas. The one shows upwards mobility while the other downwards mobility. The writer tried to see the history of both fields as a whole. |