Lynsey Helen Mori
Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Position Assistant Professor-lecturer |
Language | English |
Publication Date | 2021/09 |
Type | Academic Paper |
Peer Review | Peer reviewed |
Title | “Connecting the Dots; How Sustained Autonomous Inquiry Can Lead to Conceptual Change Concerning
the Importance of Cultural Pluralism” |
Contribution Type | Multiple author(s) |
Journal | International Multidisciplinary Research Journal |
Journal Type | Another Country |
Publisher | Language, Literature and Linguistics |
Volume, Issue, Page | (8),pp.22-29 |
Total page number | 8 |
Authorship | Lead author |
International coauthorship | International coauthorship |
Author and coauthor | Lynsey Mori and Dean Williams |
Details | Education needs to be transformed into a system capable of developing human resources by fostering
thinking, judgment, and creative expression in all young learners. For this to happen, teaching practices and curricular patterns cannot be seen as sacrosanct, but instead, they must continually evolve with the times so that the students can fully participate in our rapidly changing global society and not remain, mere spectators. A concrete curricular example of that reform trend is the introduction of Kieran Egan’s “Learning in Depth” (LiD) program in selected schools. In the EAL classroom, LiD can cultivate sustained conceptual inquiry that allows collaborative knowledge building, This paper examines a 5 year study of adapting this progrma to the classroom. |