マイケル バー   Michael BARR
   所属   京都外国語短期大学  キャリア英語科
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2018/10/27
発表テーマ Smart phones and Internet in the classroom: The new normal
会議名 ATEM 2018
主催者 ATEM - - The Association for Teaching English through Multimedia
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
開催地名 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.
発表者・共同発表者 Michael D. Barr
概要 The saturation of smartphones is now well over 95% in our classrooms, with many professors reporting that 100% of their students have and use this technology. In terms of teaching methodology, connectivity and availability of the Internet in the university classroom can present both challenges and benefits, with a wide variety of educators having a wide variety of opinions about how to manage its use. In order to enrich and supplement the content of the educational experience, we need to use and manage this resource in ways that contribute rather than detract from the classroom experience. This presentation described and explained research conducted with over one hundred students and professors. For the language student, being able to effectively use the Internet in the target language is vital. Over 85% of instructors surveyed expressed interest in learning and developing more methods to harness the technology that students already possess, representing a huge area where we can create engaging content that benefits the students and their learning.