ライアン デイヴィス   Rian DAVIS
   所属   京都外国語大学  外国語学部 英米語学科
   職種   講師
発表年月日 2023/05/14
発表テーマ Listening & Speaking Fluency Mixed-Methods
会議名 PanSIG 2023
学会区分 全国学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 共同
国名 日本
開催地名 Kyoto Sangyou University
開催期間 2023/05/12~2023/05/14
発表者・共同発表者 Davis, R., Delve, M., Eberly, L., Mertens, C., Stringer, T., & Wilkins, M.
概要 Title: Effectiveness of 4/3/2 Speaking Activities: Impacts on Student Learning
Developing speaking fluency is a challenging goal for learners of English. Tasks have been designed to promote fluency, including the well-known “4/3/2” activity. Learners prepare a talk and speak for progressively shorter times. Repetition and time pressure are the proposed mechanisms of change. However, learners in contexts where English is a foreign language may struggle with this length of speaking initially. Adapted task designs such as a 2/3/4 pattern may be more appropriate. This presentation examines a quasi-experimental research study. The study investigated three questions: Did fluency training have an impact on ratings of fluency, was one task design more effective at promoting fluency, and what change did learners evaluate in their fluency? 70 undergraduate learners in English language courses in higher education in Japan participated. Pre and posttests were used as part of a multi-stage, mixed-methods design. The presenters will introduce the rationales, details, and rating method of the adapted tasks. Details of significant changes in fluency will be revealed. The presentation also describes how quantitative data informed later qualitative coding and analysis, uncovering learners’ perceptions of the different task patterns. Finally, the presenters discuss both pedagogical and research implications.
researchmap用URL https://web-eur.cvent.com/event/58f4ef9f-097f-4d2b-be6d-520693521f99/websitePage:4cb516b9-eefd-43c9-9fb0-fe252b7fcccb