Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  ,
   Position   Associate Professor
Date 2013/08
Presentation Theme The relationship between discrepancy of explicit and implicit self-esteem and in-group favoritism: Examination of the “defensive self-esteem” in Japan
Conference the 5th Asian Congress of Health Psychology
Conference Type International
Presentation Type Poster
Contribution Type Individual
Venue Korea
Publisher and common publisher 藤井 勉
Details 顕在的・潜在的自尊心の不一致とネガティブ感情の関連について,日本人サンプルを対象に実験を行った。その結果,顕在的自尊心が高くとも,潜在的自尊心が低い場合,潜在的自尊心も高い場合と比してネガティブ感情が高いことが示された。