フェリシティー グリーンランド   Felicity Jane Greenland
   所属   京都外国語大学  外国語学部 英米語学科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2016/11/06
発表テーマ Teacher Education Outcomes in a Teacher-Local Community Collaborative Music Project
会議名 日米教員養成協議会(JUSTEC) #28
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 単独
開催地名 愛媛大学
発表者・共同発表者 Felicity Greenland
概要 Documentation of a 10 year community music project in Kyoto as an incidental professional development (PD) setting for teachers. Survey respondents reported personal and professional gains: new knowledge and skills were paralleled by augmented pedagogical behaviors and attitudes, alongside identity and work-life balance benefits. Teachers attributed much of the above to the setting which afforded all them an opportunity, but no obligation, to teach, and to simultaneously assume the role of learner. This research suggests that PD need not be formalized, nor have fixed targets, for teachers to learn and develop, and that teacher education and work-life balance benefits occur concomitantly through collaborating at ‘play’.