Department   Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages  , Department of English Studies for Careers
   Position   Professor
Date 2015/03/03
Presentation Theme Facilitating Japanese secondary school EFL students’ awareness of their capacity to be autonomous learners.
Conference the INTED 2015 World Congress, Madrid
Promoters the INTED
Conference Type International
Presentation Type Speech (General)
Contribution Type Collaborative
Venue Madrid, Spain
Publisher and common publisher Yamamoto, R., Ikeda, A., Choja, M., Saito, E., Kondo, M., Ishikawa, Y., & Smith, J.
Details 中学生の自律学習を促進する取り組みを、実際に教室でフィールドワーク形式で調査し、また生徒へのインタビュー調査を通し、生徒の内面で起こる変容を質的に分析し報告した。