Daniel Arrieta
Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of Hispanic Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Position Associate Professor |
Date | 2023/02/23 |
Presentation Theme | Tanizaki's cat: a metaphor of the ideal woman or and example of animal agency? |
Conference | 24th Conferences of the Spanish Society of General and Comparative Literature |
Conference Type | International |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Individual |
Details | In his novella 猫と庄造と二人のをんなNeko to Shozo to Futari no Onna (The Cat, Shozo, and His Two Wives), from 1936, Tanizaki Junichiro revisits some of the themes and motifs frequently observed in his literary world, such as the love triangle , the ideal woman, and the East-West dualism. However, in this case the love triangle is enriched by the appearance of a cat, which turns the triangle into a quadrilateral. In this paper we confront the characterization of Lily the cat as a metaphor for the ideal woman with another interpretation of the text in line with animal studies: animal agency. Finally, we compare the original text with the 1956 film adaptation of the novel by Toyoda Shiro. |