Ian Robert Gibson
Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Position Professor |
Date | 2006/03/26 |
Presentation Theme | Formulating Nonviolent Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies: How Active Learning Can Enhance Tolerance, Respect, and Dignity towards ‘The Other’. (平和および紛争解決研究における非暴力概念: 意欲的学習はいかに「その他」に対する寛容さ、尊重、尊厳を高めることができるか) |
Conference | International Studies Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. USA. |
Promoters | ISA |
Conference Type | International |
Presentation Type | Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Applied) |
Contribution Type | Individual |
Venue | San Diego, CA. USA. |
Publisher and common publisher | Ian R. Gibson, Mark Selzer, Jay Klaphake, Chris Burgess |
Details | Formulating Nonviolent Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies: How Active Learning Can Enhance Tolerance, Respect, and Dignity towards ‘The Other’. |