Ian Robert Gibson
Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Position Professor |
Date | 2009/10/05 |
Presentation Theme | A March of Radicalism: Constructive Activism and Peace Education (急進主義の進撃: 建設的行動主義と平和教育) |
Conference | Convergence of Research and Global Issues on Peace, Environment and Economy. Universidad De Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines. |
Promoters | Universidad De Zamboanga, Mindanao,Philippines |
Conference Type | International |
Presentation Type | Speech (Keynote) |
Contribution Type | Individual |
Invited | Invited |
Venue | Universidad De Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines |
Publisher and common publisher | What does constructive activism and following on constructive radicalism mean? where is its place in the field of peace education? |