Anna Ruggeri Takeshita
Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of Italian Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Position Professor |
Date | 2014/10/23 |
Presentation Theme | 日本とイタリアのインクルーシブ教育の文化間比較-インクルーシブ教育に対する生徒の意見 |
Conference | 特殊な教育ニーズ及びインクルーシブ実践 第2回 |
Conference Type | International |
Presentation Type | Poster |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Venue | Bergamo University (Bergamo, Italy) |
Publisher and common publisher | 橋本鈴世, 竹下ルッジェリ・アンナ, 郷間英世 |
Details | Japan and Italy have contrasting histories of education for students with disabilities. In Japan, the movement to give students with disabilities the right to study in special schools achieved its aim in 1979. In Italy, the movement to give students with disabilities the right to study in regular classes at regular schools achieved its aim in 1977. Therefore today, in terms of inclusion, Japan and Italy have very different education systems. In Japan, education for students with disabilities is carried out in various forms, including in special classes, in special schools, and resource rooms. Students with and without disabilities sometimes contact in student exchange meetings. In contrast, Italian education for students with disabilities is carried out only in regular classes. Students with and without disabilities have regular contact in their daily school life. Different levels of inclusion in the education system results in differences in students’ views on inclusive education, and it influences society at large.
The purpose of this study is to compare students’ views on inclusive education systems in Japan and Italy and to clarify the differences between them. |