Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Position Professor |
Date | 2023/11/18 |
Presentation Theme | 日本語学習者にみられる対比がある主題の「は」の不使用の問題―中国語を母語とする上級レベルの日本語学習者の調査データをもとに |
Conference | 第13回 国際日本語教育・日本研究シンポジウム 「つながる多様性、広がる可能性」 |
Promoters | 香港日本語教育研究会 |
Conference Type | Workshop/Symposium |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Individual |
Country | Hong Kong |
Venue | 香港大学専業進修学院 |
Holding period | 2023/12/18~2023/12/19 |
Publisher and common publisher | 中西久実子 |
Details | Regarding the acquisition of "ha" and "ga" by learners of Japanese, "ha" for contrasts and the like have been cited in previous studies as being difficult to acquire and having a relatively low rate of correct identification (Tadashi Sakamoto (1998:499)). However, the survey data used in this analysis is based on short sentences of simple examples, and to the best of our knowledge, there are no previous studies using complex long sentences. In this study, we conducted a survey of long sentences of complex examples, such as doctoral dissertations and compositions written by intermediate and advanced level learners. The analysis revealed that the non-use of "ha" in contrastive subjects was found in learners of various native languages, which is characteristic of intermediate languages. In this presentation, I will also discuss how contrasts are expressed in Chinese, and point out that the non-use of "ha" by native speakers of Chinese is influenced by their mother tongue. |