Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Position Associate Professor |
Date | 2023/02/17 |
Presentation Theme | Ukyo Voices—A community engagement project leading to the creation of a Japanese-English website |
Conference | 19th Annual CamTESOL Conference |
Conference Type | International |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Individual |
Country | Cambodia |
Venue | Phnom Penh |
Holding period | 2023/02/17~2013/02/19 |
Details | The Ukyo Voices project was an extra-curricular community engagement activity at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, conducted with the cooperation of the local government and people of Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan. 15 students from three different departments in the university (English, tourism and global studies) and its affiliated high school participated in this project, taking up the roles of interviewers/writers, website creators, or photographers. The goal of this project was to make a bilingual website to present the results of the students’ efforts, as well as to help the community promote their region. The interviewers, in pairs, met with and interviewed 12 individuals or organizations in total in the region, writing articles in their L1 (Japanese), thereafter translating them into L2 (English). For the translation task, they used an AI-supported machine translation tool developed in Japan, with pre-edit and post-edit processes, something which is becoming more commonplace in the translation industry. Overall, according to the post-project survey, most of the participants felt this was a very valuable experience in terms of not only the L1-L2 language use (translation) involved, but also for the opportunity it provided to meet people from outside the university, and feel part of the local community. |