Sean GAY
Department Kyoto University of Foreign Studies , Position Assistant Professor-lecturer |
Date | 2023/04/30 |
Presentation Theme | Silver Linings: From Emergency Remote Teaching to EAP Resiliency |
Conference | 2023 Korea Tesol International Conference |
Promoters | KOTESOL |
Conference Type | International |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Country | Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of |
Venue | Seoul, Sookmyung Women's University |
Holding period | 2023/04/29~2023/04/30 |
Publisher and common publisher | S. Gay, C. Tat |
Details | This presentation explores the experiences of six educators and course coordinators working within an English for academic purposes (EAP) program at a private university in Western Japan. The presenters leverage an action-research approach to examine their own narratives surrounding the challenges of adjusting to emergency remote teaching (ERT) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The presenters wrote narratives regarding the daunting task of using digital tools to convert face-to-face content into ERT. The authors coded each other’s narratives and then used the auto-hermeneutic approach to analyze the data to find recommendations for improving pedagogy and practice. The chapter offers insight into best practice for those embedded in EAP or other similarly interconnected, multi-faceted content higher education programs. The results suggest educators need to help cultivate greater institutional, faculty, and student competency with educational technologies and to explore evidence-based pedagogy related to online learning to prepare for future instances of ERT. |