サトウ アキコ   Akiko SATO
  佐藤 晶子
   所属   京都外国語大学  外国語学部 英米語学科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2024/02/17
発表テーマ Empowering Multicultural Coexistence: The Community Interpreter Training Program
会議名 The 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2024)
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
国名 タイ
開催地名 チェンマイ
開催期間 2024/02/15~2024/02/19
発表者・共同発表者 佐藤晶子
概要 This presentation summarizes the Community Interpreter Training Program's goals, methodology, and benefits. It aims to produce skilled interpreters for multicultural societies, focusing on language mastery and communication. The program uses a multilingual, multicultural approach and includes proficiency tests for personalized learning. Benefits include improved university branding, tailored education quality, and curriculum development. Overall, the program prepares students for significant roles in fostering multicultural coexistence.