Felicity Jane Greenland
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Professor
Type Practical Example of Education Technique
Period 2018/09~2019/03
Item Song Anthropology
Details Doshisha University Inst. of Liberal Arts. This course aims to develop skills in the contextual understanding of songs as an anthropological research method. The combined lecture-workshop-presentation approach is designed to foster skills in interpreting lyrics with academic rigor. The course begins with a literature review (incl. theory), then taking 3 themes, analyses songs and their signified phenomena. The course repertoire spans various forms, genres, eras and regions. Based on the methodologies demonstrated in class, each student produces three essays during the term. By encouraging students to share their own contributions in class, this course aims to provide an authentic environment for cultivating an appreciation of songs as vectors of sociocultural transmission.