(最終更新日:2025-03-13 03:09:03)
■ 学会発表
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2024/05/25 |
Instructor and student perspectives of ChatGPT-assisted writing tasks(PanSIG2024)
2. |
2024/05/19 |
Teacher Approaches Towards using ChatGPT to Analyze a Corpus of Student Writing Samples(JALTCALL 2024)
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2023/08/18 |
Designing Collaborative Learning Environments: Lingua Franca COIL Projects Across Borders(EUROCALL 2023: CALL for all languages)
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2023/02/18 |
COIL: Getting Started with Virtual Exchange(The 19th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching)
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2023/02/10 |
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): We *Can* Add it to the Curriculum, but *Should* We?(Second Hawaii International Conference on English Language and Literature Studies (HICELLS 2023))
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2022/11/05 |
Designing Promotional "Top-Ten" Multimedia Narrated Presentations(ATEM National Conference 2022)
7. |
2022/09/22 |
Benefits of English 'Lingua Franca' COIL Projects in the Post-COVID-19 Era(The 3rd Barcelona Conference on Education, BCE2022)
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2022/07/10 |
Teaching the SDGs: Content-based Research and Virtual International Exchange via Multimedia(The European Conference on Arts, Design, and Education, 2022 (ECADE2022))
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2022/03/03 |
Creating a Global Virtual Community through Technology and Experiential Learning(Book Launch: Springer: Teaching in the Post COVID-19 Era)
10. |
2021/12/23 |
An Andragogical Approach to Tandem Collaborative Learning(Special Invitation: Presentation for PingTung Board of Education)
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2021/07/03 |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Collaborative Tandem Learning in a Post Covid-19 Era(2021 Joint International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in Korea)
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2021/01/06 |
Unintended Positive Consequences of Remote Teaching for Language Learning: An Overview(IICE Hawaii: The 6th IAFOR International Conference on Education)
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2020/11/18 |
Global Partnership and Collaboration Beyond Borders(4th APUCEN Summit 2020)
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2020/11/14 |
Tandem Lessons for the 21st Century(ETA 2020 - 29th International Symposium on English Teaching)
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2020/06/07 |
CALL & Learner Development Forum: Learning transformations with Schoology, online workbooks, and Google Suites(JALTCALL 2020 Conference)
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2020/03/27 |
Advancing 5 C's for 21st Century Foreign Language Competency(ACEID - The Asian Conference on Education and International Development)
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2020/03/24 |
International Tandem Learning: Technological Challenges of Inter-institutional Projects(ACEID 2020 The 7th Asian Conference on Education and International Development)
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2019/11/04 |
Virtual Community, Global Community: Tandem Learning in Action(UCEC 2019)
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2019/10/19 |
Bridging cultures, connecting institutions: Developing a virtual community through tandem learning exchange projects(ATEM 2019 National Convention)
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2018/10/27 |
Smart phones and Internet in the classroom: The new normal(ATEM 2018)
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2018/10/27 |
Teaching communication through visual media(ATEM 2018)
22. |
2018/08/02 |
Increased Tourism in Kyoto: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions(COSTA 2018 - The 5th Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Asia)
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2017/09/26 |
A Global Studies Course for Retirees at University Level: A Feasibility Study on Lifelong Learning(UCEC 2017 - University Community Engagement Conference)
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2017/08/09 |
Location, Location, Information: A Case Study in Expanding Tourist Destinations to Rural Areas(International Symposium on Tourism for Peace 2017)
■ 著書・論文歴
■ 学歴
■ 職歴
■ 主要学科目
English Workshop I - Presentation skills, Current issues, World History/ Humanities focus
■ 所属学会
■ 資格・免許
■ 授業科目
■ 社会における活動
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. |
COIL Collaborative Online International Learning 機関内共同研究 (キーワード:Collaborative Online International Learning)
2. |
Tandem learning and international collaborative projects 機関内共同研究 (キーワード:Collaborative Online International Learning)
3. |
Tandem Learning and Online Language Learning Projects via Technology 機関内共同研究 (キーワード:International Projects, Tandem learning, Inter-institutional collaboration, Learning through technology)
4. |
Big History - "ideas from many disciplines combined to create a broad context for understanding humanity" 個人研究 (キーワード:Big History, Global History and Culture, Interdisciplinary studies, World trends, Modern Challenges)
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Tandem Learning Research Group 機関内共同研究 (キーワード:Simultaneous Language Exchange, Tandem learning, international community,)
6. |
Simultaneous Language Learning and Language Exchange 機関内共同研究
7. |
Tourism management, Intercultural studies, Technology in the classroom, and Int'l Learning exchange 個人研究
8. |
Communicative competence, self-directed learning, international exchange, peace through tourism 個人研究 (キーワード:Communicative competence, self-directed learning, international exchange, peace through tourism)
9. |
Sustainable Development 機関内共同研究
10. |
Communicative competence strategies with first year students 個人研究
■ 講師・講演
■ 委員会・協会等
■ 担当経験のある科目
1. |
Academic Writing(KUFS)
2. |
Presentation Workshop(Notre Dame Women's College)