    (Last updated : 2025-01-18 03:09:03)
  Anna Ruggeri Takeshita
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Italian Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/09/10 Hakuin Zenji on Hell and its Role
2. 2021/11/27 The Relationship between Zen Buddhism and Confucianism in the Edo Period: With a Focus on Hakuin Zenji
3. 2020/08/25 The Practice of Body and Mind in Japanese Zen Buddhism: the Experience of Shaku Sōen
4. 2019/10/12 Compassion and No-violence
5. 2019/09/15 On the Relationship between Imperial Convents and Hakuin Zenji (78th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies)
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Book Remembering the Kanji 2: A Systematic Guide to Reading Japanese Characters (Italian translation)   (Single) 2025/03
2. Book Italian Set Expressions Useful for Conversation and Composition 365   (Collaboration) 2017/02
3. Book Remembering the kanji 1: A Complete Course on How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Japanese Characters   (Single) 2015/09
4. Book Il Primo -Dizionario italiano-giapponese (イタリア語)   (Collaboration) 2011/04
5. Book Invitation to Comparative Religion studies - From the Perspective of East Asia-
"Zen Buddhism and the Development in Europe in Japan" (in charge of Chapter 6)  pp.116-141 (Collaboration) 2006/04
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■ Academic background
1. 1999/04~2002/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Doctral Research Course in Human Culture, Osaka Prefecture University, Completed, Ph.D (Religious Studies)
2. 1997/04~1999/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Hanazono University, Completed,
3. 1989/09~1996/07 Course in Japanese Language, Specialization in Japanese Religions and Philosophy, Faculty of Oriental Languages and Literatures, University of Venice, Graduated,
■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2024/09~2025/03 Religions in Japan (Faculty of Global Engagement and the Faculty of Foreign Studies)
2. 2023/09~2024/03 Religions in Japan (Faculty of Global Engagement and the Faculty of Foreign Studies)
3. 2022/09~2023/03 Religions in Japan (Faculty of Global Engagement and the Faculty of Foreign Studies, on demand)
4. 2021/09~2022/03 Religions in Japan (Faculty of Global Engagement and the Faculty of Foreign Studies, on demand)
5. 2020/09~2021/03 Religions in Japan (Faculty of Global Engagement and the Faculty of Foreign Studies, online)
● Announcement concerning education
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■ Belonging society
1. 2017/06~ The Japan Society for Global System and Ethics
2. 2013/02~2015/02 Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AITLA)
3. 2007/09~ Japanese Association for Religious Studies
4. 2002/12~ Japan Association of Religion and Ethics
5. 2000/04~ The Japanease Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies
■ Subject
1. Comprehensive Italian I
2. Comprehensive Italian I
3. Comparing Japanese and Italian Cultures
4. Italian Conversation Ⅰ-1
5. Italian Conversation Ⅰ-2
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■ Activity in society
1. 2022/12 Hakuin Zenji's View of Zen Practice: Through his Works and Disciples
2. 2020/01~ WWF(動物保護団体ボランティア活動)
3. 2019/04~2020/03 Activities in the Parent-Teacher Association of the elementary school
4. 2009/05 Now is the Time for Zen Teaching
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2018/09/29 The Understanding on Hakuin Zenji in the West (Library of Numazu)
2. 2018/03/13 About Hakuin's Commentary on the Heart Sutra (The Institute for Zen Studies, Hanazono University)
3. 2018/02/17 The Sound of the One Hand - Hakuin Zenji and the Kōan - (Palazzo Grimani Museum, Venezia, Italy)
4. 2017/08/26 The Conception on Women in Hakuin Zenji ―Through his Women Disciples ― (Hanazono University, Kyoto)
5. 2015/03/28 On the World Women's Day: The Role of Women and Its Change
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