1. |
2024/12/06 |
The UN-Command as a Wild Card in a Taiwan Contingency(Osaka, Japan)
2. |
2024/11/21 |
Trump 2.0: What would be the imp@lications for East Asia and Taiwan(Taipei)
3. |
2024/10/24 |
Chair Panel 6a: Neutrality, International Law, and the Nuclear Question(Kyoto University (楽友会館))
4. |
2024/10/19 |
総合司会 「日本の復興」(京都市 三木半旅館)
5. |
2024/09/25 |
Taiwan Contingency and Japan’s Complicated Security Laws(Central Police University, Taoyuan, Taipei)
6. |
2024/02/25 |
中国の台頭と米中競合(覇権競争)論を考える(ホテル・アウィーナ大阪 207号室)
7. |
2024/02/02 |
8. |
2024/02/01 |
9. |
2023/12/09 |
The World Structure in Transition: Minilateralism in a Multilateral Setting(Taipei, Taiwan)
10. |
2023/11/05 |
Multilateralism and Minilateralism in a Changing World Structure(大阪大学箕面学舎8階819共同研究室)
11. |
2023/08/21 |
12. |
2023/08/20 |
黒田東彦前日銀総裁を迎えて「これからの日本」(京都市 三木半旅館)
13. |
2023/04/29 |
「分断世界と日本の道」(京都市 三木半旅館)
14. |
2023/03/24 |
15. |
2023/03/23 |
16. |
2023/03/02 |
米国の北極政策ー海域の安全保障を中心に(北海道大学東京オフィス会議室 (サピアタワー10階))
17. |
2023/02/28 |
18. |
2023/02/26 |
シンポジウム、東アジアと南太平洋を結ぶ台湾ーその地政学的意味(サテライトキャンパス広島 501)
19. |
2023/01/27 |
20. |
2023/01/08 |
世界(国際)秩序の行方ー米中覇権競争論を中心にー(京都市 三木半旅館)
21. |
2022/11/18 |
Taiwan's Crisis is a Japanese Crisis? Japan's Posture and Legal Complications(online)
22. |
2022/09/25 |
23. |
2022/06/24 |
24. |
2021/03/24 |
25. |
2021/03/20 |
Discussant,“Japan’s Approach to Maritime Conflicts with China in the East China Sea and Prospects for Renewed Conflict Management and Resolution”(Webnair)
26. |
2021/03/18 |
27. |
2020/03/18 |
China’s Polar Silk Roads Policy and Its Implications(online meeting,)
28. |
2019/06/29 |
29. |
2018/12/15 |
Chair and Discussant: Chair for the whole session, Discussant for Session 1 (Japan and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue: Anti-China alliance or much ado about nothing?(Conference Room, 2nd floor of Osaka University Hall, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University)
30. |
2018/08/02 |
China's Arctic Policy: Its Strategic Implication(北海道大学創成科学研究棟4Fセミナー室B)
31. |
2018/06/06 |
Understanding the "Indo-Pacific"(Kyoto Univ. of Foreign Studies, R171)
32. |
2018/03/28 |
33. |
2018/03/11 |
34. |
2017/12/14 |
「中国の北極域政策と展望」(TKPガーデンシティPREMIUM 京橋ホール22D、東京)
35. |
2017/10/31 |
“Assessing Overall Security Environment in East Asia and Japan’s Possible Role”(Taipei, Taiwan)
36. |
2017/10/14 |
37. |
2017/09/08 |
“Bravado and Southeast Asian Anti-West Rhetoric in East Asian Relations”(Hotel Jen, Manila, Philippines)
38. |
2017/09/01 |
39. |
2017/08/27 |
Chair and Discussant, Section 2, [D](Osaka University (Toyonaka Campus), Osaka, Japan)
40. |
2017/06/13 |
41. |
2017/03/16 |
“Japan's Strategy on Trade and East-Asia”(Room 203, International Building, Pusan National University, Busan, ROK)
42. |
2016/12/17 |
43. |
2016/11/14 |
“East Asian Security Environment: Overall Assessment and Japan’s New Security Legislation”(東アジアの安全保障環境:全般的な評価と日本の新安保法制)(Groningen, Holland)
44. |
2016/09/20 |
“Japan’s Newly Adopted Security Bills and Their Implications”(日本の新安保法制とその含意)(European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden)
45. |
2016/09/14 |
“Japan’s Defense Policy and Newly Adopted Security Bills-Their Implications-”(日本の安全保障政策と新安保法制:その含意)(Norwegian University of Science and Technology,Trondheim,Norway)
46. |
2016/03/22 |
“Japan’s Foreign and Defense Policies: An Overview”(日本の外交・防衛政策:概観)(Dept. of East Asian Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
47. |
2014/10/14 |
48. |
2014/10/14 |
49. |
2014/09/26 |
“Re-Interpretation on the Right to Exercise Collective Self-Defense”(集団的自衛権行使に関する再解釈)(The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, Finland)
50. |
2014/03/01 |
”East Asian Security Environment at a Glance” and “Japan's (Non-) Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy Policy (includes the Fukushima Nuclear Accident)”「東アジアの安全保障環境概観」「日本の核・原子力政策)福島事故を含む)」(Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, the Philippines)
51. |
2014/02/12 |
“North Korea’s Nuclear Issues from a Perspective of Arms Control and Disarmament”(北朝鮮の核問題:軍備管理・軍縮の観点から)(京都教育文化センター)
52. |
2013/04/16 |
“Japan’s Nuclear Policy”(日本の非核・原子力政策)(Rm. 205, New Millennium Hall, School of International Studies at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea)
53. |
2013/04/15 |
“East Asian Security Environment at a Glance and Japan’s Security Ties with the US”(東アジアの安全保障環境概観と日米の安全保障関係)(Prof. Yul Sohn, Dean and Professor, at Rm. 112, New Millennium Hall, School of International Studies at Yonsei University)
54. |
2012/07/11 |
55. |
2012/02/01 |
56. |
2011/12/09 |
「中国の軍事的台頭を考える」(エンゼル証券会議室(大阪駅前第3ビル11階 1127号室))
57. |
2011/11/13 |
司会兼パネリスト「ミニシンポジウム 国連安保理改革と日本」(大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究棟6階)
58. |
2010/12/01 |
講演兼パネリスト(国際時局セミナー「日米同盟の将来:東アジアの安全保障と核政策」(Future of the US-Japan Alliance: Security in East Asia and Nuclear Policy))(ホテル・センチュリー・静岡5階)
59. |
2010/06/01 |
60. |
2010/04/26 |
61. |
2010/02/23 |
62. |
2010/02/08 |
“Japan's Nuclear Policy” (日本の非核・原子力政策)(同時期に毎年。2015年度を除く)(OSIPP, Osaka University)
63. |
2009/08/30 |
64. |
2008/11/28 |
65. |
2008/08/24 |
66. |
2008/02/27 |
67. |
2008/01/25 |
“Nuclear Policy of Japan and Article 9”(ほぼ同時期に毎年。2015年度を除く)(関西国際センター・ホール)
68. |
2007/03/13 |
69. |
2007/03/06 |
70. |
2004/07/06 |
71. |
2003/10/07 |
72. |
2003/09/18 |
73. |
2002/12/17 |
74. |
2002/09/01 |
75. |
2002/06/07 |
76. |
2002/02/07 |
77. |
2001/06/15 |
78. |
2000/12/09 |
79. |
2000/07/28 |
80. |
2000/06/24 |
81. |
1998/11/12 |
82. |
1998/05/29 |
83. |
1994/10/11 |