(Last updated : 2024-09-18 03:09:08)
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Global Tourism, Faculty of Global Engagement
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Books and academic papers
1. Other The Record of a Symbol of the Empire(4)  pp.55-128 (Collaboration) 2015/03
2. Other The Record of a Symbol of the Empire(3)  pp.112-195 (Collaboration) 2014/03
3. Other The Record of a Symbol of the Empire(2)  pp.175-263 (Collaboration) 2013/03
4. Other The Record of a Symbol of the Empire  pp.257-360 (Collaboration) 2012/03
■ Academic background
1. 2001/04~2009/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Kansai University, Completed,
2. 1999/04~2001/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Kansai University, Completed,
3. 1995/04~1999/03 Faculty of Literature, Kansai University, Graduated,
■ Business career
1. 2020/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Global Engagement Department of Global Tourism Associate Professor
2. 2015/04~2018/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of Japanese Studies Assistant Professor-lecturer
■ Subject
1. History and Culture of Kyoto I
2. History and Culture of Kyoto II
3. Community Engagement Workshop Ⅱ
4. Community Engagement T5
5. Community Engagement T6
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