    (Last updated : 2025-02-06 03:09:05)
  Rachelle MEILLEUR
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2024/10/26 Lost in Translation? Content-based COIL projects with Japanese students (21st-Century Language Teaching Conference 2024)
2. 2023/03/10 Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): We can add it to the curriculum, but should we? (2nd Hawaiian International Conference of English Language and Literature Studies)
3. 2023/02/18 Getting Started with Virtual Exchange (19th Annual CamTESOL Conference)
4. 2022/10/28 Cultural "Opportunities and Challenges" Asia Pacific (International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC))
5. 2022/10/28 Different modalities of COIL: pandemic and post-pandemic realities (International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC))
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Book My Language Learning   (Collaboration) 2019/09
2. Article Collaborative Online International LEarning (COIL) at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies SELL 39,pp.121-131 (Collaboration) 2023/03
3. Article Fostering Autonomy: Incorporating Self-Regulated Learning Activities into Regular EFL Classes SELL 35 (35),pp.127-135 (Collaboration) 2019/03
4. Article Practice of English Learners’ Learning Reflection Japan Journal of Educational Technology 17(2),pp.129-136 (Collaboration) 2017/05
5. Article Awareness by Autonomous Learning and Reflection with Interview Method Japan Journal of Educational Technology 16(2),pp.171-178 (Collaboration) 2016/05
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■ Academic background
1. 2005/09~2006/08 〔Master Course〕 Linguistics, Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University, Completed, Master of Arts in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
2. 1996/09~1998/04 〔Master Course〕 History, Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University, Completed, Master of Arts
3. 1992/09~1996/05 History, Faculty of Arts, University of Manitoba, Graduated, Bachelor of Arts (Advanced)
■ Business career
1. 2021/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Associate Professor
2. 2010/04~2014/03 Sojo University English Lecturer Link
3. 2009/07~2009/09 International University of Japan English Lecturer Link
4. 2008/09~2009/12 Canada, Thompson Rivers University Lecturer Link
5. 2006/09~2008/08 France, ESSTIN, Université Henri Poincaré Department of Languages Lecturer Link
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■ Educational ability
● Made textbook and teaching material
1. 2012/04/01~2014/03/31 English Communication
2. 2003/04/01~2005/03/31 English to the World I & II
■ Main Subject
■ Belonging society
1. 2010/04~ International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) Link
2. 2003/04~ Japanese Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Link
3. 2003/04~ TESOL International Association Link
■ Subject
1. Academic Reading I
2. Oral Communication I
3. Academic Reading II
4. Oral Communication II
5. Media English Ⅰ
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■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2022/04~2025/03  Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)/Virtual Exchange (VE)/Tandem Learning (TL)  (Key Word : )
■ Exhibition, concert, and athletic meet
1. 2020/11/08~2020/11/08 JALT2020 Plenary Interview: Yoshi Grote Link
2. 2008/03/01~2008/03/31 Nancy Art Centre Photo Exhibition
■ Committee and society
1. 2019/04/01~2020/03/31 JUEMUN Faculty Advisor
■ Teaching Experiences
1. Academic Writing I-IV(Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
2. English Workshop I&II(Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
3. Seminar: Comparative Cultural Studies I&II(Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
4. Debate I&II(Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
5. Extensive Reading(Kyoto Sangyo University)
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