    (最終更新日:2025-02-17 03:09:05)
  ショーン ゲイ   Sean GAY
   所属   京都外国語大学  ランゲージセンター
   職種   講師
■ 学会発表
1. 2024/04/28 Act locally, Think globally: SDGs as core content for a 24 course EAP program(The 31st Korea TESOL International Conference)
2. 2023/09/07 Act Locally, Think Globally: SDGs as Core Content for a 24 Course EAP Program(11th International Conference on Sustainable Development 2023)
3. 2023/04/30 Silver Linings: From Emergency Remote Teaching to EAP Resiliency(2023 Korea Tesol International Conference)
4. 2022/12/03 Using Student-Generated Question Development to Improve Test-Taking Skills and Critical Thinking(The 5th JAAL in JACET 2022)
5. 2022/03/05 Social and academic impacts of CoViD 19-related ERT on university students(17th Education and Development Conference [EDC2022])
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 著書  Silver Linings: From Emergency Remote Teaching to EAP Resiliency. In W.M El-Henawy & M.d.M. Suárez (Eds.) English as a Foreign Language in a New-Found Post-Pandemic World   (共著) 2022/06
2. 著書  A method to develop critical thinking: Playing the devil's advocate  pp.269-292 (単著) 2021/12
3. 著書  English Expeditions: Academic and Media Skills   (共著) 2018/03
4. 論文  Act Locally, Think Globally: SDGs as Core Content for a 24 Course EAP Program European Journal of Sustainable Development 12(4),pp.57-68 (共著) 2023/10 Link
5. 論文  Revisiting critical thinking constructs and what this means for ELT Critical Thinking and Language Learning 8(1),pp.110-147 (共著) 2021/12
■ 学歴
1. 2011/12~2015/11 Walden University 保健学研究科 博士課程修了 Doctor of Philosophy
2. 2004/01~2007/05 Temple University, Osaka Campus 言語文化研究科 TESOL 修士課程修了 Master of Science
3. 1996/08~1997/06 Kansai Gaidai University Asian Studies Program 留学
4. 1995/09~1999/05 University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire Philosophy 卒業 Bachelor of Science
5. 1991/09~1995/06 Eau Claire North High School 卒業
■ 職歴
1. 2022/04~ 京都外国語大学 ランゲージセンター 講師
2. 2021/04~ Sonoda Women's University Department of Child Education Part-Time Lecturer
3. 2019/04~ Kindai University Department of Business Part-Time Lecturer
4. 2017/04~ Kwansei Gakuin University School of Policy Studies Associate Lecturer of English
5. 2012/04~2017/03 Ritsumeikan University Department of Science and Engineering Shokutaku Lecturer
■ 教育上の能力
1. 2020/09/01~2021/03/31 ERT Development, Management, and Coordination
2. 2020/04/01~ ERT Development
3. 2020/04/01~2020/08/31 ERT Development, Management, and Coordination
4. 2017/09/01~ Internet Research Discussion
1. 2021/04/01 EC1 Speaking
■ 所属学会
1. 2020/07~ EuroCALL
2. 2018/06~ KOTESOL
3. 2018/06~2020/05 ∟ KOTESOL ICC Publicity Manager (Whova Guru)
4. 2018/04~ JACET
5. 2011/07~ JALT
■ 職務上の実績
1. 2020/04/01~2021/03/31 EC1・EC2 Level Workgroup
2. 2020/04/01~2021/03/31 EC5・EC6 Development Group
3. 2020/04/01~2021/03/31 Speaking/Seminar Workgroup
4. 2020/04/01~2021/03/31 SPS ELP Spreadsheet Coordinator
5. 2020/01/01~2020/12/31 JALT CUE Conference Committee
■ 資格・免許
1. 2007/02/01 JPLT Level 2
■ 授業科目
1. 英語Ⅲ-2
2. Advanced TOEFL Workshop
3. English-Japanese Translation Ⅰ
4. English-Japanese Translation Ⅱ
5. Second Language Acquisition in TEFL
■ 社会における活動
1. 2014/03~ Minna-no-te Kyoto Support
2. 2007/05~2007/09 Volunteer youth yachting instructor
■ 担当経験のある科目
1. CE 2A(Kinki University Department of Law)
2. CE 2B(Kinki University Department of Law)
3. CW3(Ritsumeikan University Department of Business)
4. E1 - Reading Skills(Ritsumeikan University Department of Science and Engineering)
5. E10 – Business English Skills(Ritsumeikan University Department of Science and Engineering)
■ 外部研究者ID
orcID 0000-0001-6373-1335