    (Last updated : 2024-12-06 03:09:24)
  Rian DAVIS
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Assistant Professor-lecturer
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/05/14 Listening & Speaking Fluency Mixed-Methods (PanSIG 2023) Link
2. 2023/01/24 Listening & Speaking (Annual Reearch Forum, Kwansei Gakuin University) Link
3. 2020/02/02 ‘21st Century ELT: Approaches for Eff ective Practices’ (CamTESOL 16th Annual Conference) Link
4. 2017/01/05 Educating for Change (教育に関するハワイ国際会議) Link
5. 2017/01/04 Teacher Development (Hawaii International Conference on Education)
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Article 4/3/2 or 2/3/4? The Impact of Task Design on Ratings of Oral Fluency with Japanese
Undergraduate EFL Learners Annual Research Report 26,pp.13-32 (Collaboration) 2023/03
2. Article Jack vs. Ralph: The effects of literature circles on English learner
proficiency and confidence Annual Research Report 26,pp.47-62 (Single) 2023/03
3. Article Self-inflation: examining the accuracy of teacher self-assessment  26(13),pp.55-59 (Collaboration) 2020/03 Link
4. Article Extra-curricular activities to improve speaking competence for English
Learners of all levels Annual Research Report (22),pp.25-42 (Single) 2019/03
5. Article An Examination of Self-inflation in Teachers Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on Education pp.1797-1806 (Collaboration) 2017/03 Link
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■ Academic background
1. 1998/09~2003/05 Finance, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Graduated, BA Link
2. 2008/09~2009/05 〔Master Course〕 TESOL, International Education, フレーミングハム州立大学 (Framingham State University), Completed, M. Ed. TESOL Link
3. 2010/09~2012/05 〔Master Course〕 Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Completed, MA Linguistics Link
■ Business career
1. 2023/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Assistant Professor-lecturer
2. 2018/04~ Kwansei Gakuin University Language Center Instructor of English as a Foreign Language (IEFL) Link
3. 2012/09~2017/08 Kansai Gaigoku University Foreign Studies Lecturer Link
4. 2010/09~2012/05 University of Wisconsin-Madison Applied Linguistics Teaching Assistant (TA) Link
5. 2009/09~2010/08 Sungkyunkwan University Foreign Studies Assistant Professor Link
■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2014/09/01~ Outside Speaking Activities
2. 2012/09/01~ Fun Halloween Cultural Learning Lesson
3. 2012/09/01~ Group Presentation on Culture
4. 2009/09/01~ Teaching Writing through the 3 connecting Words and 4 Sentence Types Before Paragraphs and Essays
● Made textbook and teaching material
1. 2015/01/01~ Writing Packet in English
● Charge of class
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■ Belonging society
1. 2014/08~2019/08 KOTESOL Link
2. 2014/08~ JALT Link
■ Qualification and license
1. 2007/12/20 Certificate of TESOL Link
■ Subject
1. Oral Communication I
2. Oral Communication II
3. English for Study Abroad
4. English Seminar Ⅲ
5. English Seminar Ⅳ
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■ Teaching Experiences
1. English Academic Presentations(Sungkyunkwan University) Link
2. English Academic Writing(University of Wisconsin-Madison) Link
3. English(Kansai Gaidai University) Link
4. English courses(Kwansei Gakuin University) Link