    (Last updated : 2024-12-26 03:09:04)
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  ,
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2020/08/22 Active Learning by using online system
2. 2019/08/24 Report about PBL- Science Communication- Part2
3. 2012/03/17 Interspecific differences in the intensity of ant patrol on myrmecophytic Macaranga species in a Bornean forest (ボルネオ熱帯林に分布するアリ植物オオバギ種に共生するアリのパトロール効果に見られる種間差) (東アジア生態学会連合第5回大会)
4. 2011/12/09 How to develop understanding of biodiversity among public -Environmental education for undergraduates without biological background- (いかにして一般市民に生物多様性の理解を広めるか-生物学の基礎知識のない大学生への環境教育) (RIHN-NTU Biodiversity Colloquium)
5. 2011/02/23 The role of research achievements in developing an understanding of biodiversity issues among the general public(一般市民への生物多様性問題の普及における研究成果の役割) (RIHN-UNIMAS Biodiversity Colloquium)
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Book Decrease and Degradation of Tropical Rain Forest   (Single) 2019/08
2. Book The Futurability of Biodiversity(生物多様性の未来可能性)   (Collaboration) 2010/09
3. Article Ecological Esucation in post-Covid World Japanese Journal of Ecology  (Single) 2025/01
4. Article The impact of community-based projects for university students
— collaborative action research from a plurilingual perspective — Academic Bulletin  (Collaboration) 2020
5. Article Construction of Ecological Network:Summary Japanese Journal of Ecology pp.677-679 (Collaboration) 2016/12
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■ Business career
1. 2023/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Professor
2. 2022/04~2023/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Professor
3. 2013/04~2022/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Associate Professor
4. 2008/04~2013/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Assistant Professor-lecturer
■ Belonging society
1. 2000/01~ Ecoligical Society of Japan
■ Subject
1. First Year Seminar
2. Life and Health(CA131)
3. The Essentials of Global Environments(CA223)
4. Seminar: Environmental Research Ⅰ(CA291)
5. Seminar: Environmental Research Ⅱ(CA292)
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■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 1998/04~  Comparative study about anti-herbivore defense of Macaranga species in a Bornean forest  (Key Word : anti-herbivore defense, trade-off, Mararanga, resource allocation, leaf turnover)