(Last updated : 2025-01-17 03:09:03)
■ Academic conference presentation
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2015/07/06 |
“Japan’s Nuclear Energy Policy- Predicament and Concerns‐”(日本の原子力政策:苦境と懸念) (The Ninth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 9))
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2009/07/22 |
“An Analysis of the United Nations’Security Council Reform Proposals from the Perspective of the Bolger Index”(ボルジャー指数からみた国連安保理改革案の分析) (ABRI-ISA 2009 Joint International Meeting)
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2007/08/29 |
“An Analysis of the Life-Cycle Process of the Global Order-from the Perspective of Global Public Goods-”(世界秩序の盛衰(ライフサイクル)過程の分析:グローバル公共財の観点から) (The 63rd Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance)
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2003/06/28 |
“ Rational Analysis on the Negotiations to Shut All Chernobyl Reactors Down”(チェルノブイリ原子炉閉鎖交渉の合理的分析) (Central and East European International Studies Association and International Studies Association International Convention)
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2002/03/24 |
“In Support of CTBT: An Argument for CTBT Ratification by the US”(CTBTを支持する:米国上院のCTBT批准支持論) (The 43rd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association)
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2001/02/23 |
“U.S.'s Proposed BMD(NMD and TMD)Deployment and Its Implication for North-East Asia”(米国のミサイル防衛配備提案とその北東アジアへのインプリケーション) (The 42nd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association)
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1998/06/23 |
“Verification Issues in CTBT Negotiations”(CTBT交渉における検証問題) (The 17th International Peace Research Association General Conference)
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2021/12/04 |
(Japan Association for International Security Annual Conference 2021)
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2014/01/02 |
Chair and Discussant(Japan’s Series of Challenges: Security, 3.11 and Article Nine)(司会・討論者:日本の一連の問題(安全保障、3.11、憲法9条)) (Japan Studies Association, Twentieth Anniversary Conference)
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2020/11/12 |
The Armament Policies of Taiwan and Japan and Their Implications against Ascendant China (Asia Security Workshop on “Security Turbulence in Asia: Shaping New Strategy in Japan and Taiwan”)
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2020/01/07 |
Discussant, “Overcoming Security Isolationism: Japan’s Promotion of East Asian Security Multilateralism Since 1991” (Asia-Pacific Studies Seminar)
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2019/11/11 |
Taiwan’s Past Attempt to Go Nuclear VS. Japan’s Potential Nuclear Capabilities (A Defense Workshop, Defense Policy and Strategic Development: Coordination Between Japan and Taiwan)
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2016/08/28 |
“The Build-Ups of the US and China’s Nuclear Forces-Is a New Type of Nuclear Arms Race Taking Place?- ”(米国と中国の核戦略増強:新型の核軍備増強競争が起こっているのか) (第十届“近现代中国变动与东亚格局”国际学术研讨会(現代性と地域性:第十回“近現代中国の変容と東アジア”国際シンポジウム))
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2016/03/11 |
“Understanding China's Naval Behavior-Focus on a Concept-”(中国の海洋行動を理解するには:ある概念に焦点を当てて) (Tracing the Contours of a Rapidly Changing East Asia: Issues and Perspectives)
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2016/01/20 |
“Japan’s Newly Adopted Security Bills-Implications for the Indo-Pacific-”(日本の新しい安保法制:インド太平洋地域へのインプリケーション) (The 2nd Annual West Asia Conference)
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2015/11/10 |
“China’s Dichotomic Naval Behavior: Focus on SLOCs”(中国の海洋行動の二面性:海上輸送路に焦点を当てて) (第22 屆水上警察學術研討會-台日菲海域執法研討會)
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2015/10/20 |
“Securing Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs): A Maritime Battleground or Global Commons?”(海上輸送路の安全を確保するには:海洋の戦場かそれともグローバルコマンズが) (Nanjing Forum 2015: Work Together for the 21st-century Asia-Pacific Peace, Security and Prosperity)
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2015/03/19 |
Chair and Discussant (“The Pitfalls and Promises of the Sino-Japanese Territorial Dispute: a Soft Power Perspective”, by Prof. Linus Hagsrom at Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Swedish National Defence College))(司会・討論者:日中領土論争の落とし穴と希望:ソフトパワーの観点から) (Osaka University International Symposium,Janauary,2015 (Legacies of World War II Part 4))
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2015/02/14 |
Chair and Discussant (“Does a Democratic Peace Exist between Japan and South Korea: New Evidence”, by Prof. Paul Midford at Norwegian University of Science and Technology)(司会・討論者:日韓間で民主的平和は存在するか:新しい証拠) (Osaka University International Symposium, January, 2015 (Legacies of World War II Part 3))
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2015/02/14 |
Chair and Discussant (“Japan’s Check Mating Role in South Asia”, by Prof. Syed Ashrafur Rahman at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh)(司会・討論者:南シナ海における日本の王手をかける役割) (Osaka University International Symposium, January, 2015 (Legacies of World War II Part 3))
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2015/02/04 |
Chair (“Where is the EU-Japan Relationship Heading?”, by Prof. Marie Soderberg at Stockholm School of Economics (Director of European Institute of Japanese Studies))(司会:日欧関係はどこへ行くのか) (The 69th OSIPP Policy Forum)
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2015/01/09 |
Chair and Discussant (“Reviving Asia-Europe Cooperation by Addressing Non-Traditional Security Challenges”, by Prof. Bart Gaens (Senior Research Fellow) at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs)(司会・討論者:非伝統的な安全保障問題への対処で欧亜間の協力を再興しよう) (Osaka University International Symposium, January, 2015 (Legacies of World War II Part 3))
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2015/01/09 |
Chair and Discussant (“War and the Making of Asia: The Birth of a New Internationalism”, by Prof. Bril Tankha at the Institute of Chinese Studies, India)(司会・討論者:戦争とアジアの創生:新しいナショナリズムの誕生) (Osaka University International Symposium, January, 2015 (Legacies of World War II Part 3))
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2014/12/20 |
Discussant (“The Imperial Presidency and the Cold War Consensus, 1941-1992”,by Prof. Michael Allen, Northwestern Univ.)(討論者:帝王的大統領と冷戦コンセンサス、1941-1992年) (Osaka University International symposium, December 2014 (Legacies of World War II Part 2))
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2014/12/19 |
Chair and Discussant (“Japan’s Network Diplomacy: Expanding Japan-India Ties”, by Prof. Purnendra Jain at the Univ. of Adelaide)(司会・討論者:日本のネットワーキング外交:日印連携の拡大) (Osaka University International Symposium, December 2014)
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2014/12/12 |
Participation (by Skype),“Asian Dialogues On Promoting Security and Stability in the Gulf”(参加者(スカイプ):湾岸地域における安全と安定促進に関するアジアの対話) (“Asian Dialogues On Promoting Security and Stability in the Gulf”)
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2014/12/11 |
司会 (国際シンポジウム『国連安保理改革はなぜ進まないのか:現状と展望』) (国際シンポジウム『国連安保理改革はなぜ進まないのか:現状と展望』)
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2014/12/06 |
Chair and Discussant (“Energy Cooperation in the SCO Region”,Zoya Podoba, Associate Prof. at the St. Petersburg State Univ.)(司会・討論者:SCO地域におけるエネルギ-協力) (アジア太平洋研究会2014年度研究会)
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2014/12/06 |
Chair and Discussant (“Short Introduction of IT Industry in China”, by He Zhu (朱嚇)(OSIPP博士後期生))(司会・討論者:中国のIT産業の簡単な紹介) (アジア太平洋研究会2014年度研究会)
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2014/10/31 |
Chair and Discussant (“Are There Normative Powers in the Asia-Pacific? Normative Power Europe vs Normative Power China and Normative Power Japan”, by Prof. Emilian Kavalski at Australian Catholic Univ.)(司会・討論者:アジア太平洋地域に規範的国家は存在するのか:規範的欧州対規範的中国と規範的日本) (Osaka University International symposium, October-November 2014 (Legacies of World War II Part 1))
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2014/10/30 |
Chair and Discussant (“Approaches to Resolving the Disputes in the East Asia Sea”, by Prof. emeritus Reinhard Drifte at Univ. of Newcastle)(司会・討論者:東シナ海における論争を解決する方法) (Osaka University International Symposium, October-November 2014 (Legacies of World War II Part 1))
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2014/10/30 |
Chair and Discussant (“Juggling Triads: Australian foreign policy towards Japan and China”, by Prof. David Walton at Univ. of Western Sydney)(司会・討論者:三国間関係のジャグリング:日本と中国に対するオーストラリアの外交政策) (Osaka University International symposium, October-November 2014 (Legacies of World War II Part 1))
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2014/10/02 |
Discussant (姜皇池教授(台灣大學法律學院)「台灣私人武裝保全與防制海盜」)(討論者:台湾における私的な武装による安全確保と海賊への対応) (第21屆水上警察學術研討會議)
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2014/09/11 |
“Safeguarding the SLOCs from the West Asia (Middle East) as an Energy Security Policy-The Cases of Japan and Asia”(by Skype)(エネルギー安全保障政策としての中東からの海上輸送路の安全確保:日本とアジアの場合) (First Annual West Asia Conference: Geopolitical Shifts in West Asia: Trends and Implications)
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2014/07/25 |
Chair and Discussant (“The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM): Institutional Design, (Inter) Regionalism, and Norms” by Bart Gaens, Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs)(司会・討論者:アジア欧州会合:制度設計、地域主義、規範) (Osaka University International Symposium Program, 2014, (Dynamics of Asia-Pacific Region-Interdisciplinary Perspective: History and Prospect))
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2014/07/24 |
Chair and Discussant (“International Issues: Japanese Artists and the Problem with Borders”, by Dough Slaymaker, Prof. at Univ. of Kentucky)(司会・討論者:国際的問題:日本人芸術家と国境問題) (Osaka University International Symposium Program, 2014,(Dynamics of Asia-Pacific Region-Interdisciplinary Perspective: History and Prospect))
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2014/07/23 |
Chair (“Myanmar’s Political Transformation and the Role of the EU”, by Bart Gaens, Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs)(司会:ミヤンマーの政治変革とEUの役割) (The 66th OSIPP Policy Forum)
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2014/03/26 |
Participant, “Seminar: Cooperation between in the work of Japan and ASEAN in U.N.”(参加者:国連におけるASEANと日本の活動における協力) (“Seminar: Cooperation between in the work of Japan and ASEAN in U.N.”)
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2014/02/15 |
Chair and Discussant ( “The Obama ‘Pivot’ to Asia and the ‘Rise’ of China in the Context of American Hegemony” by Prof. Bruce Cumings, Univ. of Chicago)(司会・討論者:アメリカの覇権下におけるオバマ政権のアジア・ピボット政策と中国の台頭) (Osaka University International Symposium, Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the Asia-Pacific Region: History and Prospect)
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2013/10/28 |
(司会)“India’s Diplomacy-Strength & Challenges-”(司会:インドの外交:長所とチャレンジ) (第62回OSIPP政策フォーラム、ディーバ・ゴパラン・ワドワ駐日インド大使の講演)
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2013/08/22 |
“East Asia’s Security Environment - present and future prospect-” (発表は英語。proceedingへの提出論文は日本語) (第7回「現代中国と東アジアの新環境:発展・共識・危機」国際シンポジウム)
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2010/09/17 |
質問者(討論者)(日米安全保障条約50周年 特別シンポジウム~「日米同盟の深化と日米安保協力」) (Special Symposium on Deeping the US-Japan Alliance and Cooperation)
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2005/07/15 |
“Information-Sharing as an Effective Deterrent against Would-be Cheaters: a theoretical argument”(犯罪予備軍に対する効果的な抑止策としての情報共有・理論的議論) (International Conference for Governance Across Boundaries)
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1993/03/26 |
“Pre-Conditions of Japan's Entering into the U.N. Security Council”(日本が国連安保理常任理事国になるのに必要な事前の条件) (The First Coference on Japan -US Comprehensive Security)
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■ Books and academic papers
Is a Taiwan Crisis Also a Japan Crisis? Japan's Complicated Security Laws. Enhancing East Asian Security Cooperation (Single) 2024/09
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Answer for Taiwan's Defense Capability Build-up. Enhancing East Asian Security Cooperation (Single) 2024/09
Chap.4, Nuclear Ambition: Taiwan's Attempt to Go Nuclear vs. Japan's Latent Nuclear Capabilities, (Editors: Fu-Kuo Liu, Dean Karalekas, Masahiro Matsumura, Defense Policy and Strategic Development (Collaboration) 2021/08
Takeuchi and Shiyo (co-editors), Thinking about United Nations Security Council Reform (Collaboration) 2021/06
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles the Answer for Taiwan's Defense Capability Build-up Security Turbulence in Asia: Shaping New Strategy in Japan and Taiwan (Single) 2021
Contemporary China’s Social Transformation and the New Environment in East Asia (Collaboration) 2020/04
Meen Singh Roy (ed.)
Ideology, Politics and New Security Challenges in West Asia (Collaboration) 2018/10
Understanding International Relations: The World and Japan(Second Edition) (Takeuchi ed.), (Collaboration) 2018/05
Prasanta Kumar Pradhan (ed.), Geopolitical Shifts in West Asia: Trends and Implications(プラドハン(編著)『西アジアにおける地政学的シフト:傾向とその含意』) pp.186-199 (Collaboration) 2016/01
Understanding International Relations:The World and Japan(Takeuchi edited)(竹内(編著)『国際関係を理解する:世界と日本』 ) pp.1-18, 63-80 (Collaboration) 2013/10
The Japan-US Allaince pp.i-iii, 1-16, 417-444 (Collaboration) 2011/11
International Economics: Theory and Policy, Fifth Edition pp.287-332 (Collaboration) 2001/12
The Analysis of Political Structure pp.135-154, 189-215 (Collaboration) 1998/03
U.S.-Japan Strategic Reciprocity: A Neo-Internationalist View, (Single) 1990/06
Career Veer: How to Position Yourself for a Prosperous Future (Single) 1986/03
Threats to Security in East Asia - Pacific: National and Regional Perspectives pp.52-65, 304-321 (Collaboration) 1983/03
East Asia's Newly Emerging International Order?: Ascendant China and Japan 展望輿探索(Prospect & Exploration) 18(11),pp.62-102 (Single) 2020/11
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■ Academic background
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Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, Graduated,
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Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Oregon, Graduated, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
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〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Politics, University of Washington, Completed, Master of Arts in Political Science
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〔Master Course〕, East Asian Studies, Stanford University, Completed, Master of Arts in East Asian Studies
■ Business career
■ Educational ability
■ Main Subject
■ Results on duty
■ Subject
■ Activity in society
■ Lecturer and lecture
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2024/10/24 |
Chair Panel 6a: Neutrality, International Law, and the Nuclear Question (Kyoto University (楽友会館))
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2022/11/18 |
Taiwan's Crisis is a Japanese Crisis? Japan's Posture and Legal Complications (online)
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2021/03/20 |
Discussant,“Japan’s Approach to Maritime Conflicts with China in the East China Sea and Prospects for Renewed Conflict Management and Resolution” (Webnair)
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2020/03/18 |
China’s Polar Silk Roads Policy and Its Implications (online meeting,)
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2018/12/15 |
Chair and Discussant: Chair for the whole session, Discussant for Session 1 (Japan and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue: Anti-China alliance or much ado about nothing? (Conference Room, 2nd floor of Osaka University Hall, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University)
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2018/08/02 |
China's Arctic Policy: Its Strategic Implication (北海道大学創成科学研究棟4Fセミナー室B)
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2018/06/06 |
Understanding the "Indo-Pacific" (Kyoto Univ. of Foreign Studies, R171)
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2017/10/31 |
“Assessing Overall Security Environment in East Asia and Japan’s Possible Role” (Taipei, Taiwan)
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2017/09/08 |
“Bravado and Southeast Asian Anti-West Rhetoric in East Asian Relations” (Hotel Jen, Manila, Philippines)
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2017/08/27 |
Chair and Discussant, Section 2, [D] (Osaka University (Toyonaka Campus), Osaka, Japan)
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2017/03/16 |
“Japan's Strategy on Trade and East-Asia” (Room 203, International Building, Pusan National University, Busan, ROK)
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2016/11/14 |
“East Asian Security Environment: Overall Assessment and Japan’s New Security Legislation”(東アジアの安全保障環境:全般的な評価と日本の新安保法制) (Groningen, Holland)
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2016/09/20 |
“Japan’s Newly Adopted Security Bills and Their Implications”(日本の新安保法制とその含意) (European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden)
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2016/09/14 |
“Japan’s Defense Policy and Newly Adopted Security Bills-Their Implications-”(日本の安全保障政策と新安保法制:その含意) (Norwegian University of Science and Technology,Trondheim,Norway)
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2016/03/22 |
“Japan’s Foreign and Defense Policies: An Overview”(日本の外交・防衛政策:概観) (Dept. of East Asian Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
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2014/09/26 |
“Re-Interpretation on the Right to Exercise Collective Self-Defense”(集団的自衛権行使に関する再解釈) (The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, Finland)
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2014/03/01 |
”East Asian Security Environment at a Glance” and “Japan's (Non-) Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy Policy (includes the Fukushima Nuclear Accident)”「東アジアの安全保障環境概観」「日本の核・原子力政策)福島事故を含む)」 (Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City, the Philippines)
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2014/02/12 |
“North Korea’s Nuclear Issues from a Perspective of Arms Control and Disarmament”(北朝鮮の核問題:軍備管理・軍縮の観点から) (京都教育文化センター)
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2013/04/16 |
“Japan’s Nuclear Policy”(日本の非核・原子力政策) (Rm. 205, New Millennium Hall, School of International Studies at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea)
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2013/04/15 |
“East Asian Security Environment at a Glance and Japan’s Security Ties with the US”(東アジアの安全保障環境概観と日米の安全保障関係) (Prof. Yul Sohn, Dean and Professor, at Rm. 112, New Millennium Hall, School of International Studies at Yonsei University)
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2012/07/11 |
“NPT-CTBT-FMCT”(核拡散防止条約、包括的核実験禁止条約、カットオフ条約) (神戸大学経済学部)
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2010/02/08 |
“Japan's Nuclear Policy” (日本の非核・原子力政策)(同時期に毎年。2015年度を除く) (OSIPP, Osaka University)
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2008/01/25 |
“Nuclear Policy of Japan and Article 9”(ほぼ同時期に毎年。2015年度を除く) (関西国際センター・ホール)
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2003/10/07 |
「国際関係論(環境)」(2009年まで毎年同時期に) (国土交通省国土地理院(茨城県つくば市))
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2002/12/17 |
「グローバル情報社会・国際情勢」(2009年まで毎年同時期に) (国土交通省国土地理院にて(茨城県つくば市))
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■ Exhibition, concert, and athletic meet
■ Teaching Experiences
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International Relations and Game Theory(De La Salle University)
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Introduction to International Relations(Osaka University)
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Japan's Foreign Relations(Kwansei Gakuin University)
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Project Seminar in English(Osaka University)