(Last updated : 2024-10-22 03:09:05)
  Tsubasa OKOSHI
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Hispanic Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2018/11/15 Space, time and social order (tzol): A study on the sociocultural functions of the Maní and Calkiní land titles (Temporalities in Mesoamerican Rituals: Interndisciplinary Approaches)
2. 2017/11/13 (International Symosium: Rupture or Transformation of Maya Kingship? From Classic to Postclassic Times)
3. 2016/12/03 Diachronic Analysis of the Mayan Documents: New Approaches to the Study of the Colonial Indigenous Texts (Institute for Latin American Studies of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies 16th Seminar on Latin America. How to Process the Material Obtained in the Field Work: Recent Studies on Latin American Indigenous Societies) Link
4. 2016/10/27 "'Lay u hahil ca than' (This is our true words): A Consideration on the elaboration and the use of the Mayan Colonial Land Documents" (XXXVIII Colloquium of Regional Anthropology and History. The Indigenous Writing in Mesoamerica: from Stelae to Digital Texts)
5. 2016/06/30 From Mayapan-multepal to the cúuchcabalob: transformation of the political organization in the Lowland Maya, XII-XVI Centuries (X International Congress of Mayanists)
■ Books and academic papers
1. Book "1. Changes in Maya Rulership at the End of the Classic Period: An Introduction" Maya Kingship: Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times pp.1-17 (Collaboration) 2021/03 Link
2. Book "17. Colonial Maya Discourse on the Rupture and Transformation or Continuity of Pre-Columbian Kingship: An Ethnohistorical Analysis" Maya Kingship: Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times pp.311-323 (Single) 2021/03 Link
3. Book Maya Kingship: Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times   (Collaboration) 2021/03 Link
4. Book "The Lost and Found Times of Don Francisco de Montejo Xiu: The 'Land Titles of Maní' in History"  pp.257-281 (Single) 2020/10 Link
5. Book The Lost and Found Times of Don Francisco de Montejo Xiu: The 'Land Titles of Maní' in History  Special issue,pp.219-238 (Single) 2017/12 Link
Display all(13)
■ Business career
1. 2012/11~2016/03 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Centro de Estudios Mayas del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas Investigador Titular B T/C
2. 2006/04~2012/03 Sophia University Department of Hispanic Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies Professor of the Department of Hispanic Studies
3. 1993/05~2006/03 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Centro de Estudios Mayas del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas Investigador Asociado C T/C
■ Educational ability
● Matter that should be mentioned specially in others educational activity
1. 2012/11/10~ Tutor of Graduate School of Mesoamerican Studies, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, National Autonomous University of Mexico
■ Main Subject
Study of the Maya Society under Colonial Rule
■ Belonging society
1. 1984/06~ Japan Association for Latin American Studies Link
2. 1996/04~ Japan Society for Studies of Ancient America Link
3. 1997/04~ Society for American Archaeology Link
4. 2024/04~ The Society of Historical Research Link
■ Results on duty
● Other note that should be mentioned specially on duty
1. 2017/11/10~2017/11/14 Organization of International Symposium on Mayan Culture Link
2. 2016/12/05 Organization of the Conference Link
3. 2016/12/03 Organizer of the 16th Seminar of Latin American Studies Link
■ Subject
1. Introduction to History of Hispanic Countries
2. Writing Spanish Ⅰ
3. Writing Spanish Ⅱ
4. Reading Spanish Ⅲ
5. Reading Spanish Ⅳ
Display all(14)
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2020/03~2024/12  "The Renovation of Collective Memory on the Everyday Space and the Community Identity: Land Titles of the Gobernación de Yucatán  (Key Word : Collective Memory, Land Title, Yucatan, Mexico)
2. 2015/11~2018/10  "Foundation Ritual on the New Time-Space of the Yucatec Maya in the Colonial Yucatan"  (Key Word : Ritual, temporarity, Mesoamerica)
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2016/12/03 Diachronic Analysis of the Mayan Documents: New Approaches to the Study of the Colonial Indigenous Texts (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)