(Last updated : 2024-10-22 03:09:04)
  Takatoyo UMEMOTO
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  ,
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2024/09/08 Examining the causal model between socially shared regulation of motivation, engagement, and creative performance (日本心理学会第88回大会)
2. 2024/07/26 Effect of two types of self-efficacy on engagement of e-learning using different teaching strategies (33rd International Congress of Psychology)
3. 2024/07/25 Reciprocal path model of autonomous motivation and motivational regulation (33rd International Congress of Psychology)
4. 2024/07/23 How teacher's goals effects on classroom social goal and classroom climate? (33rd International Congress of Psychology)
5. 2023/08/17 Effects of text-to-speech synthesized speech on learners' presentation anxiety and self-efficacy: A comparison of two models (EUROCALL 2023)
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Book Blended language learning: Evidence-based trends and applications   (Collaboration) 2021/10
2. Book Motivational regulation in Japanese undergraduates(日本の大学生における動機づけ調整)   (Single) 2015/02
3. Article Reciprocal relationship between motivation and engagement in out-of-class learning among Japanese undergraduates Journal of Education and Learning  (Collaboration) 2025/02
4. Article Providing and receiving of autonomy support promotes self-efficacy and value for group activities in university and the workplace International Journal of Educational Research Open  (Collaboration) 2024/12
5. Article Reciprocal path model of autonomous motivation and motivational regulation: Socially shared regulation in intellectual group activities Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 14(1),pp.93-107 (Collaboration) 2024/05
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■ Business career
1. 2023/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor
2. 2021/04~2023/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Associate Professor
3. 2021/04~2021/09 Lecturer
4. 2018/09~2022/03 Lecturer
5. 2018/04~2021/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Assistant Professor-lecturer
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■ Subject
1. First Year Seminar
2. Seminar: Educational Research Ⅰ(CB291)
3. Seminar: Educational Research Ⅱ(CB292)
4. Seminar: Educational Research Ⅲ(CB391)
5. Seminar: Educational Research Ⅳ(CB392)
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■ Activity in society
1. 2024/08~ 国際誌査読協力(npj Science of Learning)
2. 2022/03~ 学会誌査読協力(Information and Technology in Education and Learning)
3. 2019/10~2021/03 学会誌査読協力(Educational Technology Research)
4. 2019/07 学会誌査読協力(Japanese Psychological Research)
5. 2016/06 国際誌査読協力(Time & Society)
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■ Home Page