    (Last updated : 2025-02-09 03:09:04)
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Hispanic Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2024/12/07 Teaching Art History in the ELE classroom: Strategies and experiences in the Japanese university context
2. 2024/05/25 Francisca Navarro: A female perspective on Spanish theatre during the Ominous Decade
3. 2024/03/24 Recursos teatrales en el aula de ELE (IV Encuentro de Experiencias Prácticas en la Enseñanza de ELE) Link
4. 2023/08/30 La pedagogía teatral como herramienta para fomentar la interacción y el aprendizaje significativo en la enseñanza de segundas lenguas (33 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera) Link
5. 2023/05/27 Los espacios femeninos en la obra teatral La hija de las flores de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda (XXXV CONGRESO CANELA) Link
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Book Theatre pedagogy and L2. Strategies and resources to encourage interaction and meaningful learning Interaction, discourse and technology in the teaching of Spanish pp.135-143  2024/07 Link
2. Book Redes. Actividades para hablar español con fluidez   (Collaboration) 2023/04 Link
3. Book Daihonzan Honno Daihoden Taihokan Spanish catalog   (Collaboration) 2021/03
4. Book Al oído: Actividades comunicativas de pronunciación (Segunda edición)   (Collaboration) 2020/03 Link
5. Book Trivium: manual de composición escrita     2019/03 Link
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■ Academic background
1. 2010/01~2011/12 〔Master Course〕 MA in Spanish Language Education as Second Language, Faculty of Philology, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Completed, Master of Spanish Language Education as Secondary Language Link
2. 1988/10~1991/07 Department of Dramatic Arts, Royal College of Dramatic Arts (RESAD), Graduated, BA in Dramatic Art Link
■ Business career
1. 2018/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of Hispanic Studies Associate Professor
■ Belonging society
1. 2021/04~ Association for Education and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (ASELE) Link
2. 2019/07~ Historical-Cultural Research Institute (IIHC) Link
3. 2011/05~ Asociación Japonesa de Hispanistas Link
4. 2006/04~ Academic Confederation of Japan, Spain and Latin America Link
5. 2011/05~2013/05 ∟ Chair of the Methodology of Foreign Language Teaching Section
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■ Subject
1. Comprehensive Spanish I
2. Practice of Spanish Ⅱ
3. Multimedia Spanish Ⅲ
4. Multimedia Spanish Ⅳ
5. Practice of Spanish Ⅴ-1
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■ Activity in society
1. 2022/11~2022/12 Aula espejo KUFS-UAG Link
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2022/05~2023/03  Developing exchange native TAs and increasing motivation for foreign language learning  (Key Word : )
■ Committee and society
1. 2024/12/08~2025/01/15 Jury
2. 2023/12/23~2024/01/08 Japan-Spain Cultural and Economic Exchange Center Extension Jury Link
3. 2022/11/19~2022/11/20 スペイン教育・職業訓練省: DELEスペイン語検定 Examinador
4. 2022/07/15~2022/08/31 Japan-Spain Cultural and Economic Exchange Center Extension jury
■ Home Page
   Liberas Press