    (Last updated : 2024-07-27 03:09:08)
  Kevin Ramsden
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Global Studies, Faculty of Global Engagement
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/09/11 ‘Changemakers in the Community – Global Partners for Local Problems’ (Great Zimbabwe University/Zienzele Foundation)
2. 2023/03/04 The Young Global Researchers Project (YGRP): Changemakers in the Community. (18th Education and Development Conference [EDC2023])
3. 2023/02/14 UKYO VOICES: An authentic Academia-Government-Citizens Community Engagement Project in Kyoto City, Japan. (Invitation to present/lecture at USM/KUFS-USM Japanese Cultural Center)
4. 2023/02/12 UKYO VOICES: An authentic Academia-Government-Citizens Community Engagement Project in Kyoto City, Japan. (The Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2023))
5. 2021/11/08 Reinvigorating University-Community Engagement Emerging from the COVID 19 Pandemic (UCEC 2021- University Community Engagement Conference 2021)
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■ Books and academic papers
1. Book DOG   (Single) 2021/06
2. Book Here Comes Kenji and Other Stories from Contemporary Japan   (Single) 2020/11
3. Article Investigating the expectations and experiences of young undergraduate students at Asian universities concerning community engagement field research activities Ignis 3(1),pp.113-130 (Collaboration) 2023/12
4. Article ‘The Craig Smith Memorial Sponsored Walk 2019’ APUCEN Bulletin 1(12),pp.8-9 (Single) 2020/12
5. Article The Challenge of Moving the Community Spirit Online at KUFS APUCEN Bulletin 1(11),pp.4-5 (Single) 2020/05
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■ Academic background
1. 1995/01~1997/01 〔Master Course〕 Teaching Second Languages, Faculty of Education, University of Southern Queensland, Completed
2. 1985/09~1988/07 Middlesex University, Graduated, Bachelor of Arts in American Studies
■ Business career
1. 2016/04~2018/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of Global Affairs Associate Professor
2. 2014/04~2016/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Entrance Examination Committee member
3. 2010/04~2016/03 Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages Department of English Studies for Careers Associate Professor
4. 2005/04~2007/03 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Department of British and American Studies Entrance Examination Committee member
5. 2004/04~2010/03 Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages Department of English Studies for Careers Assistant Professor-lecturer
■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2004/04~ Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages courses
2. 2004/04~ Kyoto University of Foreign Studies courses
3. 1999/04~2003/03 Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto - Faculty of International Relations courses
4. 1996/04~1998/03 The British Council English School Kyoto courses
5. 1995/02~1995/12 南クイーンズランド大学言語教育ELICOSプログラムの授業について
● Announcement concerning education
● Matter that should be mentioned specially in others educational activity
● Guidance such as alumni meetings and club
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■ Belonging society
1. 2016/04~ Extensive Reading Research Group - Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
2. 2015/04~2016/03 Peace Education Research Group - Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
3. 2009/03~ The Japan Association for Language Teaching
■ Subject
1. Introductory Seminar A
2. Introductory Seminar B
3. Global Communication A
4. Global Communication B
5. Community Engagement S6
■ Activity in society
1. 2020/12~ Counting the Days Til Summer Link
2. 2020/10~ K-Troop Link
3. 2018/06~ Library Reading Workshops
4. 2016/07~ Readers4Readers: A Volunteer Sponsored Reading Project
5. 2016/05~2016/05 Sister 2 Sister - A Charity Fundraiser for Syrian Refugee Women
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■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2024/02/11 Promoting Independence in the Developing World - The work of the Zienzele Foundation in rural Zimbabwe (Online)