(Last updated : 2025-02-13 03:09:05)
  Andrea Leonardi
   Department   Kyoto University of Foreign Studies  Department of Italian Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2010/12/18 Mysticism and the Concept of God in "Zen no kenkyu" and "Bashotekironri to shukyotekisekaikan" (『善の研究』刊行百周年記念国際シンポジウム)
■ Books and academic papers
1. Article Nishida Kitarō’s Self-Aware System of Universals
The Body as Incarnation of the Absolute 京都外国語『IGNIS』 (3),pp.1-20 (Single) 2024/03
2. Article The Self-Reflecting Mirror:
On Nishida’s Early Logic of Basho 京都外国語大学『COSMICA』 (50),pp.29-49 (Single) 2021/01
3. Article Locus and Clearing: A Comparison Between Nishida Kitarô and Martin Heidegger 京都外国語大学『COSMICA』 (XLVIII),pp.45-64 (Single) 2019/01
4. Article Time and Eternal Now in the Philosophy of Nishida Kitarō 京都外国語大学『COSMICA』 (XLVI),pp.29-48 (Single) 2017/01
5. Article Things, otherness and sacrality in Heidegger's concept of fourfold 京都外国語大学『COSMICA』 (XLV),pp.63-82 (Single) 2016/01
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■ Academic background
1. 1996/04~1998/03 〔Master Course〕, Kyoto University,
2. 1995/04~1996/03 Kyoto University,
3. 1988/09~1995/02 Universita' di Bologna, Graduated,
■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2023/09/28~2024/01/18 Advanced Italian Conversation
2. 2004/04~2005/01 Advanced Italian Conversation
■ Belonging society
1. 2009/04~ Nishida Philosophy Association
2. 2003/04~ The Kyoto Philosophical Society
■ Subject
1. Comprehensive Italian I
2. Comprehensive Italian I
3. Comparing Japanese and Italian Cultures
4. Italian Conversation Ⅰ-1
5. Italian Conversation Ⅰ-2
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